

Male bee-eater takes off from his mate.

I just received a note that Apple Inc. extended the contract with 3 more years to use the picture attached for original Apple TV screensaver.

This is one of the most successful frame from the series on bee-eaters. However, it could not make it to be published in National Geographic Magazine’s printed article. Online version here:


Exceptionally I did not even argue during editing in Washington D.C. It just did not fit in the concept. My editor knew, I knew. Even though we kept it on the surface, because we both felt that this image will have further career. A picture which WAS NOT taken at an exotic location – again. Only 10 miles from my actual residency in a little sand mine beside Sáránd village, Hungary.

Based on the decision above, this captured moment can cause happiness, provide inspiration for millions of people worldwide. I hope it will happen!

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