

High School students of Ciszterci Rend Nagy Lajos Gimnázium holding their self-made Easter eggs.

We, as member of János Szentágothai Qualified College started a project weeks before at University of Pécs/Hungary with the support of Hungarian Government. The goal is to replant traditions to the next generation.

Instead of buying plastic or chocolate eggs, these kids are creating their own artwork during Lent. They decorated original chicken eggs with melted bee wax. Then they painted the eggs and melted down the wax after drying. We will exhibit their work before and during Easter. Introduced traditional method have been used for hundreds of years, but disappearing nowadays.

This story is part of my lecture available to order: „Sustainable? Development?” – about environmental issues caused by humanity.

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誰でも優れたプレゼンター スピーカー の才能を秘めています。 併せ持っています ただそれを引き出す必用があるのかもしれません。極度の緊張感を押さえ 克服し 忘れられない印象的なプレゼンをする方法とは?

お問い合わせ ジョーさんにメールを書く
