“Making the invisible visible. I am going to reveal new dimensions regarding a spectral array of topics, perspectives and illumination.”
“Making the invisible visible. I am going to reveal new dimensions regarding a spectral array of topics, perspectives and illumination.”
Liverwort flowers under a partially decomposed beech leaf skeleton.
Liverwort flowers under a partially decomposed beech leaf skeleton.
A bee-eater flies with a swallowtail butterfly to the nest.
A bee-eater flies with a swallowtail butterfly to the nest.
A kingfisher emerges from the water.
A kingfisher emerges from the water.
A never-ending mass of long-tailed mayflies covers the surface of Tisza River.
A never-ending mass of long-tailed mayflies covers the surface of Tisza River.
Compound eyes of a rare biting horsefly, Silvius alpinus.
Compound eyes of a rare biting horsefly, Silvius alpinus.
Common blue butterflies mating on lavender.
Common blue butterflies mating on lavender.
A Formosan jeweling female is laying eggs on the surface of a stream.
A Formosan jeweling female is laying eggs on the surface of a stream.
The water rapidly froze at a chilly night on the edge of the lake, around the oxygen bubbles produced by the alga covering the stones.
The water rapidly froze at a chilly night on the edge of the lake, around the oxygen bubbles produced by the alga covering the stones.
Kingfisher hovers mid-air in order to measure the right position of the desired prey.
Kingfisher hovers mid-air in order to measure the right position of the desired prey.
Name is a bit misleading, since it does not only visit roses, but many other flowers as well, such as the lilac bush that blooms in front of our window.
Name is a bit misleading, since it does not only visit roses, but many other flowers as well, such as the lilac bush that blooms in front of our window.
Some falcons, and acrobatic bee-eaters, are capable of catching dragonflies mid-air.
Some falcons, and acrobatic bee-eaters, are capable of catching dragonflies mid-air.
Males emerge on the water surface from their larva skin within a couple of seconds and land on the riverbank to molt.
Males emerge on the water surface from their larva skin within a couple of seconds and land on the riverbank to molt.
A dragonfly larva feeds on a damselfly larva under water.
A dragonfly larva feeds on a damselfly larva under water.
Sainfoin might be the most attractive stover plant species, which lives as weed along roads at many places.
Sainfoin might be the most attractive stover plant species, which lives as weed along roads at many places.
The Mediterranean katydid is one of our most attractive looking grasshopper species.
The Mediterranean katydid is one of our most attractive looking grasshopper species.
The rays of the rising sun begin to illuminate the mass of red poppies on the edge of an agricultural field.
The rays of the rising sun begin to illuminate the mass of red poppies on the edge of an agricultural field.
Male kingfisher dives into the water to catch fish.
Male kingfisher dives into the water to catch fish.
Dragonfly emerges from its underwater larva skin.
Dragonfly emerges from its underwater larva skin.
A bee-eater catches a broad-bodied chaser.
A bee-eater catches a broad-bodied chaser.
The members of a bird colony occasionally seem to be more like butterflies than birds from a distance.
The members of a bird colony occasionally seem to be more like butterflies than birds from a distance.
When they finish molting, all males rush back over the surface.
When they finish molting, all males rush back over the surface.
Dewy wings of a dragonfly at sunrise.
Dewy wings of a dragonfly at sunrise.
Lot of rodents live in our garden, especially around our barns. Aesculapian snakes regularly visit these places to take advantage of them.
Lot of rodents live in our garden, especially around our barns. Aesculapian snakes regularly visit these places to take advantage of them.
Dewy spider web at dawn.
Dewy spider web at dawn.
Places for molting can be selected by several individuals at a time.
Places for molting can be selected by several individuals at a time.
The experience, which a mayfly swarm can provide, is like a vision sometimes.
The experience, which a mayfly swarm can provide, is like a vision sometimes.
A kingfisher emerges out of water with its prey.
A kingfisher emerges out of water with its prey.
A male bee-eater (left) offers a dragonfly to his mate.
A male bee-eater (left) offers a dragonfly to his mate.
Close-up on the flower of a tropical water lily.
Close-up on the flower of a tropical water lily.
I use to take pictures of the animals of the garden in a sterile environment. Just like these two Burgundy snails, which formed a really nice choreography on the stage.
I use to take pictures of the animals of the garden in a sterile environment. Just like these two Burgundy snails, which formed a really nice choreography on the stage.
A kingfisher perches with a freshly caught fish on a board explaining fishing prohibition.
A kingfisher perches with a freshly caught fish on a board explaining fishing prohibition.
A bee-eater couple rests on a blooming hawthorn bush.
A bee-eater couple rests on a blooming hawthorn bush.
Close-up landscape on the spore producing body of a young edible bolete mushroom.
Close-up landscape on the spore producing body of a young edible bolete mushroom.
After complete development, dragonflies are among the most fearsome predators in the insect world.
After complete development, dragonflies are among the most fearsome predators in the insect world.
Coltsfoot blooms in early spring, usually in groups
Coltsfoot blooms in early spring, usually in groups
Frogs do not eat crap, but in the carpet of dying insects they always find a mayfly that is still moving and considered as consumable.
Frogs do not eat crap, but in the carpet of dying insects they always find a mayfly that is still moving and considered as consumable.
A kingfisher emerges from water.
A kingfisher emerges from water.
Dragonflies are exceptionally successful hunters. They are not just able to catch their prey in the air, but they can feed in the air as well.
Dragonflies are exceptionally successful hunters. They are not just able to catch their prey in the air, but they can feed in the air as well.
A male bee-eater flies on the back of the female in order to mate her.
A male bee-eater flies on the back of the female in order to mate her.
Unique pattern of a pear leaf.
Unique pattern of a pear leaf.
Close-up landscape on a unique haircap moss species, which lives in sand steppe vegetations. Their stalks are reddish and can be decorated by dew drops early morning.
Close-up landscape on a unique haircap moss species, which lives in sand steppe vegetations. Their stalks are reddish and can be decorated by dew drops early morning.
Indian red water lily has become the symbol of Héviz.
Indian red water lily has become the symbol of Héviz.
A kingfisher dives into the water to catch fish.
A kingfisher dives into the water to catch fish.
According to some assumptions, the name of the „Tisza Flower” is derived from the shape formed by the insects wishing to mate.
According to some assumptions, the name of the „Tisza Flower” is derived from the shape formed by the insects wishing to mate.
As if they were just angry at each other, these two bee-eaters are sitting next to each other.
As if they were just angry at each other, these two bee-eaters are sitting next to each other.
Close-up on the hat of an amethyst deceiver mushroom from below, where both the lamellae and the spores produced on them can be recognized.
Close-up on the hat of an amethyst deceiver mushroom from below, where both the lamellae and the spores produced on them can be recognized.
Thanks to its special flying skills, dragonflies can even mate in the air.
Thanks to its special flying skills, dragonflies can even mate in the air.
The flower of morning glory does not last for a day. It opens at dawn and closes by afternoon.
The flower of morning glory does not last for a day. It opens at dawn and closes by afternoon.
After a windy day I was walking in the garden when I discovered a few dumplings, from which only a few seeds were blown by the wind.
After a windy day I was walking in the garden when I discovered a few dumplings, from which only a few seeds were blown by the wind.
At the peak of the swarm, the water surface vibrates continuously. Emerging females might attract up to 30-40 males at the same time, but only one of them can mate.
At the peak of the swarm, the water surface vibrates continuously. Emerging females might attract up to 30-40 males at the same time, but only one of them can mate.
A kingfisher emerges from water in backlight.
A kingfisher emerges from water in backlight.
Natural wonders can catch anyone anywhere. This frosty morning I found a miracle on the windscreen of my car...
Natural wonders can catch anyone anywhere. This frosty morning I found a miracle on the windscreen of my car...
Banatic paeony is just amazing from every angle. Even its curly anthers offer a unique visual experience.
Banatic paeony is just amazing from every angle. Even its curly anthers offer a unique visual experience.
Fallen pollen grains on the petal of a morning glory flower.
Fallen pollen grains on the petal of a morning glory flower.
Half a dozen of leaf-legged damselflies lay their eggs on submerged leaves. Their bluish males are guarding them from above by grabbing them with the tip of their abdomen.
Half a dozen of leaf-legged damselflies lay their eggs on submerged leaves. Their bluish males are guarding them from above by grabbing them with the tip of their abdomen.
A bee-eater departs from the nesting hole in order to catch another prey for the chicks.
A bee-eater departs from the nesting hole in order to catch another prey for the chicks.
Sexually overwhelmed males are trying to mate with everything that floats on the water. It can be a floating piece of wood, a leaf, or just another male mayfly.
Sexually overwhelmed males are trying to mate with everything that floats on the water. It can be a floating piece of wood, a leaf, or just another male mayfly.
Before putting to death, kingfishers shake the water thoroughly off from the freshly caught fish.
Before putting to death, kingfishers shake the water thoroughly off from the freshly caught fish.
Freshly developed red poppy florets before sunrise.
Freshly developed red poppy florets before sunrise.
Slug mucus is a special liquid crystal. This material is dehydrated in a fantastic way to break natural light when examined at a proper angle.
Slug mucus is a special liquid crystal. This material is dehydrated in a fantastic way to break natural light when examined at a proper angle.
Clouded yellow butterfly rests on a fallen leaf.
Clouded yellow butterfly rests on a fallen leaf.
Every part of the dragonfly hides a surprise. Just like the wings in backlight of this unique Asian species.
Every part of the dragonfly hides a surprise. Just like the wings in backlight of this unique Asian species.
Ant sucking nectar from golden saxifrage flower.
Ant sucking nectar from golden saxifrage flower.
A kingfisher perches on a twig over the water with a fish in its bill.
A kingfisher perches on a twig over the water with a fish in its bill.
The flower of Banatic paeony right after a spring shower.
The flower of Banatic paeony right after a spring shower.
The eye of a dewy dragonfly early in the morning.
The eye of a dewy dragonfly early in the morning.
Hoverfly hovers in front of the camera.
Hoverfly hovers in front of the camera.
Bee-eaters waiting with prey in their beak.
Bee-eaters waiting with prey in their beak.
When the swarm is at its zenith, the river almost turns out of itself. Millions of insects can be observed on the water and in the air.
When the swarm is at its zenith, the river almost turns out of itself. Millions of insects can be observed on the water and in the air.
Bee-eater arrives to the nesting hole with a bumblebee.
Bee-eater arrives to the nesting hole with a bumblebee.
It is less known that the so common and urbanized blackbirds' eggs are naturally bluish with brown patterns.
It is less known that the so common and urbanized blackbirds' eggs are naturally bluish with brown patterns.
Based on the picture, it could be a giant monitor lzard, but it is just a tiny wall lizard in Mecsek Mountains.
Based on the picture, it could be a giant monitor lzard, but it is just a tiny wall lizard in Mecsek Mountains.
The life of late dragonfly species is limited only by autumn frosts.
The life of late dragonfly species is limited only by autumn frosts.
A common kingfisher shakes its head on a dry root.
A common kingfisher shakes its head on a dry root.
The Hungarian naked lily is an endemic species, which sometimes blooming by breaking through the snow.
The Hungarian naked lily is an endemic species, which sometimes blooming by breaking through the snow.
A male mayfly tries to find a mate in between dozens of its fellows.
A male mayfly tries to find a mate in between dozens of its fellows.
Two kingfisher offspring waiting for their parents over the steamy water at sunrise.
Two kingfisher offspring waiting for their parents over the steamy water at sunrise.
The compensation flight and the oviposition of females stretch out into the night, but then they are exhausted, land on the water and drift down.
The compensation flight and the oviposition of females stretch out into the night, but then they are exhausted, land on the water and drift down.
Sunflower at night with star trails behind.
Sunflower at night with star trails behind.
A male bee-eater departs from her mate.
A male bee-eater departs from her mate.
Mating common mayflies on a leaf.
Mating common mayflies on a leaf.
Female darter resting on a twig in a flowerbed.
Female darter resting on a twig in a flowerbed.
Blue tit arrives to the feeder.
Blue tit arrives to the feeder.